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DeLaval Tandem Parlours.

visit milkingmachines.co.uk to buy milkingmachine spares and spare parts for milking machines on line.

for smaller herds and individual cow treatment  

Blue Diamond Tandem

Blue Diamond Tandem™

Individual stalls with indexing for safe and correct cow positioning and excellent visibility for the milker. Superior heavy-duty construction in galvanised or stainless steel. The air pressure system for gate operation offers extremely reliable high quality components.

Excellent cow visibility and individual treatment.

The tandem parlour has been designed for side milking. The cows stand in separate stalls along the pit, enabling the milker to give individual cow attention whilst maintaining an optimum overview of the parlour. Health problems, breeding status etc. are easily identifiable, and the system is known for calm, relaxed cows. The development of electronically controlled Tandem parlour systems has led to faster throughput. The cow traffic is taken care of for you, and all you are left to do is put the milking unit on!




Manufactured from hot-dipped galvanised steel. Vacuum operated gates ensure smooth and calm cow traffic, whilst the design provides for maximum access and visibility of the cow during milking.


maximum access and visibility.

The EuroTandem puts you in direct contact with your cows. This makes it easier to see and reach the cow when attaching the cluster or inspecting the udder, which in turn reduces strain on the milkers arms and back. The ergonomic position provides good protection for the milker.


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